

아이린카라 0 646
아이린 카라
When There's Nothing
But A Slow
Glowing Dream
That Your Fear
Seems To Hide
Deep Inside
Your Mind
All Alone
I Have Cried
Silent Tears
Full Of Pride
In A World
Made Of Steel
Made Of Stone
Where I Hear The Music
Close My Eyes
Feel The Rhythm
Wrap Around
Take A Hold
Of My Heart
What A Feeling
Please Believing
I Can't Have It
All Now I'm
Dancing For My Life
Take Your Passion
And Make It Happen
It Just Come Alive
You Can Dance Right
Through Your Life
Now I
Hear The Music
Close My Eyes
I Am Rhythm
In A Flash
It Takes Hold
Of My Heart
What A Feeling
Please Believing
I Can't Have It All
Now I'm Dancing
For My Life
Take Your Passion
And Make It Happen
It Just Com Alive
Now I'm Dancing
Through My Life
What A Feeling
What A Feeling
Please Believing
It Just Come Alive
You Can Dance Right
Through Your Life
What A Feeling
What A Feeling
What A Feeling
What A Feeling