

산타나 0 960
Live your life
and just be your self
cause you're
somebody special
cause somebody
loves ya
Your life
so just be your self
cause your somebody
special cause
Someone loves
your life life
hey hey
I can see you
shining shining
I can see you shining
With light
with light
hey hey I can see
you shining shining
I can see you
shining bright
hey hey
hey hey
In America today
people seem
they lost their way
They don't know
they're wrong
from right
Something something
just aint right
Cause On TV
in Magazines
all I see
is violent things
Killers here
and killers there
killers seems
to be everywhere
Where did all
the healers go yo
I don't know
I don't know
Maybe all the killers
killed them yo
Carlos lets save
the children
Lets build their
minds up
and build their
spines up
Teach em how to stand
proud teach say it
just say it loud
I am somebody
I am somebody
I am somebody
are you somebody
I am somebody
I am somebody
and you could be
who you
wanna be go
where you
wanna go love
who you wanna
love hey
It's your life
so just be your self
cause you're
somebodys special
cause somebody
loves Your life
so just be your self
cause your
somebody special
cause someone
loves your
life life
hey hey
I can see you
shining shining
I can see you shining
with light
with light
hey hey
I can see you
shining shining
I can see you
shining bright
Hey Hey
hey hey
In America today
people call
up in pain
Lets try to help
them change
and stop this
Teach em
how to stand
for something
and stand for nothing
Teach em proud
say it
just say it loud
I am somebody
I am somebody
I am somebody
I am somebody
and I can be
who I wanna be go
where I wanna
go love
who I wanna
love hey
and you could be
who you wanna be go
where you wanna
go love
who you
wanna love hey
hey hey
hey hey
I am somebody
I am somebody
I am somebody
I am somebody
I am somebody
I am somebody
and you can be
who you wanna be go
where you wanna
go love
who you wanna
love hey
Cause someone
loves my life life
Hey hey
I can see you
shining shining
I can see you
with Light
with light
hey hey
I can see you
shining shining
I can see you
shining bright
hey hey hey
hey hey hey
hey hey hey
on my life